Giulia Currà
(1988) is the founder of Traslochi Emotivi, a nomadic company founded in 2010 that creates actions related to the concept of the threshold, reflecting on the theme of moving as concrete evidence of unhinging official history. Some appearances: Two Hours Ago I fell in Love Festival, Rimini; Vegetal Import Festival 01, Cabaret Voltaire, Manifesta 11, Zurich; Sonata30k, PlasmaPlastic, Milan; Nothing New, Silencio Club Paris; Reframing Back//Imperative Confrontation, XV. Venice Architecture Biennial. In 2012 Giulia Currà inaugurates in Milan Casa Cicca Museum, a project at its third location that transforms the concept of private property into a public vitrine, open to the public and especially to artists and people who want to leave their works as a trace of their passage.